Greetings from the Future

Billy Dee Williams as Lando Calrissian in Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

(Read Time: 5min)

I am a video game futurist.

Now, there’s a unique one. “Futurist” is not a title floating around much in the games industry, and I’ve yet to meet others out there. So, if you are, consider this my little Bat Signal (seriously, I want to meet you). Still, I believe it is an area of expertise many dip their hands into, and as the industry grows and changes in response to new tech, why not create more specialization to help anticipate some of its outcomes? As game developers, we are already in a conversation with our future audience, so is it possible to develop a role where someone specializes in helping more developers release games with that distant audience close in mind? I believe the answer to that question is “Yes!” There are many roles for data interpretation and strategy for larger studios; I don’t discredit those. What I mean is I believe there is room in the industry for dedicated individuals who immerse themselves in emerging technologies, shifting cultural values, economic changes, and consumer behavior trends to forecast potential outcomes across interactive entertainment.

My intersection with the games industry starts like many— countless hours spent playing video games and speculating new experiences. You know what I mean. You’ve just put down the controller to your favorite game and thought, “Wow, wouldn’t it be cool if…?” My concern with imagining such possibilities started as a 3D Artist, founding the studio Waking Oni Games and eventually becoming a professor at Northwestern University, where I now teach 3D Modeling and Game Design. Throughout each space, I am constantly thinking about our impact on the future, whether it is through the games we play or the expertise we pass on. Sprinkle on a little sci-fi (mostly Star Wars and Star Trek), and that’s what got me thinking.

Bumping into futurism started when I was in a conversation with my partner (whom I thank profusely for entertaining all of my ideas). I started wondering if there were professionals who helped to predict outcomes in various industries. A few Google searches and Ted Talks later, I was smack-dab in the field of strategic foresight and future studies, and I was fascinated. Time would later see me consuming every book, article, podcast, and adjacent media that furthered a deep enough interest to attend accelerators, rebrand this site, and write this blog post.

Now, there’s probably not as much merit these days in referring to oneself as a “lifelong gamer,” so I’ll spare you that justification. However, who I am is a person who is committed to furthering an intimate understanding of the games industry's history and culture. With a personal network gracious enough to provide me with their time and insight, I can quickly grasp the key forces at play—present and emerging— that will shape its evolution. My training in strategic foresight has equipped me with frameworks to research signals of change, analyze uncertainties, and explore the possibilities of interactive entertainment. For me, bridging these skill sets created an opportunity to bring dedicated foresight directly to studios that care about how they can prepare for new ways to engage their audiences.

So, what exactly does a futurist do?

This is an excellent question, so let’s start by explaining the ever-expanding profession. A futurist is someone who bridges expertise across technology, business, sociology, design, and more to identify signals of change and patterns beyond the status quo. Their goal is to provide organizations with actionable insights and visions needed to innovate and prepare for complex futures ahead. Given today's accelerating pace of disruption, futurists' abilities to anticipate what's next and guide strategic adaptation make them increasingly vital in our dynamic world. Several decades ago, H. G. Wells proposed “futurism” as a new academic discipline. Today, that prediction seems to be spot on.

I cannot predict the future.

Sorry, no Jedi tricks here. However, I can offer strategic foresight tailored to the world of interactive entertainment. My mission as a futurist is to identify exciting technological trends and shifts in consumer engagement to inspire and empower the creation of forward-thinking, inclusive entertainment experiences. This does not mean changing an intended creative vision of a project— I am not here to identify some secret game mechanic out there. I believe our own minds are at the core of driving that outcome. I aim to uncover innovations on the horizon, transforming how we play, tell stories, and interact. By researching key uncertainties around areas like VR/AR, AI, new business models, and audience behaviors, I will provide tailored insights and visions that allow studios to get ahead of disruption and capitalize on the opportunities ahead. So, while I cannot use The Force, my strategic guidance readies you for the next frontier of digital entertainment.

We’re seeing many shifts in tech, which are already affecting the entertainment industry. As AI becomes an unquestionable integration into our devices, software, and interactions, we must carefully consider its use to help uncover all of its good, bad, and ugly implications. With great power comes great responsibility, right? (Across the Spider-Verse and Spider-Man 2 were very relevant topics when writing this, so I will shoulder any future cringing for web-slinging these puns around.)

What’s next?

I hold a positive outlook on our collective ability to adapt and drive positive outcomes in the future and feel especially optimistic about the potential impact of specialized roles, such as that of a video game futurist, in playing a pivotal role in anticipating and shaping the dynamic landscape of the interactive entertainment industry. There’s just so much ahead!

In going out, I extend my sincere gratitude to all those who have accompanied me on this journey, exploring the convergence of emerging technologies, cultural shifts, and the future of interactive entertainment. Your support has been invaluable.

As we navigate, I encourage you, dear reader, to reflect on this question: How can understanding emerging trends and strategic foresight enhance your role or perspective within the rapidly evolving digital entertainment landscape? The possibilities are boundless, and I look forward to furthering this conversation with you.

Here’s to the future of gaming!

Derrick Fields